The Adventures of Prince Ziph

Les 1 commentaires sont triés des plus récents aux plus anciens .

1. Alquimista - 24/11/06 20:16 - (en réponse à :
Je regrete mais mon francais n est pas grand chose. Je suis un auteur portugaise de Bd.


Ever imagined how Mars was millions of years ago when it had oceans flowing on its surface ? And what about Martians ? They had such busy lifes that life on Earth was later most on their fault. And what about the meaning of life ? Does God have a beard ? Does it matter ? And what does all this have to do with Area 51 ? Who built the Face on Mars ? Is Heaven a private club ? Is life after death real ? How boring is it ? Who runs the universe anyway and does this entity have weekends ? This and plenty of other stupid questions will be answered in this fantasy saga spread over a few volumes so the author can get some extra bucks after two years making up all this stuff with watercolors, inks, acrylics and buckets of sweat.

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Have fun.


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