Johnny Caronte Vol 1 Zombie Detective & Revolver Gn

Les 3 commentaires sont triés des plus récents aux plus anciens .

3. smashbarson - 24/03/05 13:10 - (en réponse à :
Pardon. I don´t speak francais. Speak spanish.

2. Odrade - 24/03/05 10:43
Looks nice. Will there be a french translation ?


1. smashbarson - 24/03/05 10:06 - (en réponse à :
Hello mi name is Jaime writter and creador. I present my comic. In May in EEUU por Alias Enterprises and Spain for Recerca.Looking for editor for Europa . With two different comics and 15 illustrations of different artists ( Oscar Carreño, Ricardo Reyes, Daniel Ortiz, Raul Treviño, etc…)

Art of tony Sandoval

Color Gaby Sandoval

Opinions in American blogs.

The link The 4Th. Rail

Johnny Caronte is a mob story about zombies with a twist, and The Revolver is about a thief using a gun from hell to kill demons. Both good concepts, but the really interesting thing here is the artwork, which is beautifully colored but otherwise reminds me of the black and white (and gorgeous) artwork of Kazu Kibuishi and other Flight collaborators

The Blogg “The Comic Queen”

Johnny Caronte, Zombie Detective & the Revolver Volume 1 GN Alias Enterprises LLC; page 226; $5.99; 64 pgs.

The stunning cover art is what first attracted me to this book. It is the noir thriller filled with mobsters and hitmen, but the art looks darker and scarier than a plain old noir book. This book contains two stories and looks strangely gorgeous.

Best Regards



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