Recherches sur la Division Alpha

Les 2 commentaires sont triés des plus récents aux plus anciens .

2. yaneck - 22/02/04 00:56
JE te conseille le forum de marvel France,
rubrique forum.

Sinon, tu peux essayer "Alpha Flight" dans un moteur de recherche.

Alpha Flight

Base of Operations: Canada

First Appearance: X-Men #120 (Marvel Comics)

History: Alpha Flight is Canada's premiere superhero team, originally formed by Department H of the Canadian government to work as superpowered operatives. The driving force behind its formation was James MacDonald Hudson, a former employee of the Canadian branch of Am-Can Petro Chemical who had designed a powered suit of armour for geological exploration. When he found out his designs were going to be used to build suits for the U.S. military instead, he stole the prototype and destroyed his designs. His girlfriend (later his wife) Heather McNeil arranged for the two of them to meet with representatives of the Canadian government, who settled the matter with Am-Can in return for Hudson helping to set up Department H. The two of them would later encounter and recruit the amnesiac Wolverine into the agency.

Inspired by newspaper accounts of the Fantastic Four, Hudson decided to build a team of superpowered agents who would work for the Canadian government. Wolverine was pencilled in to lead the team, dubbed Alpha Flight. After some early problems, the recruits were split into three groupings - Alpha Flight, the active team, Beta Flight, the reserve team still in training and not felt to be ready yet for active duty, and Gamma Flight, the raw recruits undergoing basic training. Things went awry when Wolverine resigned for reasons of his own, and the reluctant Hudson assumed the role of team leader wearing an updated form of his powered suit, adopting the name Weapon Alpha (later Vindicator, later still Guardian).

Alpha Flight's initial group consisted of Hudson, Shaman, Sasquatch, Aurora, Northstar, and Snowbird. Soon after an aborted attempt to recapture Wolverine, the Alpha Flight program and Department H were shut down due to budget cuts. However, Canada was attacked by the Great Beast, Tundra, and the six members came back together with Beta Flight members Puck and Marrina to defeat the Beast. They decided to remain working together although being spread across the vast country meant that the entire team was rarely all together.

Many of the members of what had been Beta and Gamma Flight were recruited by Jerome Jaxon, Hudson's former employer at Am-Can, who sought revenge for Hudson wrecking his career when he had departed the company so explosively. Most of the superhumans had been left in awkward circumstances when Department H had shut down so suddenly, and bore a grudge against their former team-mates who had left them to sink or swim; they were easy for Jaxon to manipulate, and became Omega Flight. Guardian was lured into a trap, and although the rest of Alpha Flight came to his rescue, Guardian was apparently killed during the fight. Heather, his wife, took on the job of leading the group. As time past new members would be recruited such as Talisman, Box, and Madison Jeffries.

1. Maravilla - 22/02/04 00:00
Salut à tous,

Dans le cadre d'un boulot, je recherche des images de la "Division Alpha" (le groupe de super-héros canadiens). J'ai beaucoup de mal à en trouver sur le net.

Si quelqu'un a des liens intéressants, avec une riche banque de données sur le sujet, merci beaucoup.


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